PearTube — Peer to Peer Attention

Mar 28, 2021

PearTube — peer to peer attention.

PearTube is the fore-front of BitcoinSV on-boarding.

Users simply create a and pick a pear to begin their Bitcoin(SV) experience.

Efficient application of capital through microtransactions only capable on BitcoinSV presents the opportunity to quickly on-board millions of users.

Existing BSV users and businesses will benefit from the increase in users, which is why they are incentivized to plant pear trees for the world.

New users may find services such as Twetch or Streamanity next with their newly earned BSV from PearTube. Or your new app.

At scale PearTube can provide premium KYC pears to busineses worldwide.

In the end, it’s on nobody’s dime. Except maybe Google’s.

App on-chain :

Have fun!

The PearTube (TM) Team 2021

The Bitcoin*SV blockchain

